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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 6am  ABC  September 14, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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two men shop but it's hard to investigate a crime when you don't know where it was committed. two gun incidents at baltimore county schools and the action that is being taken to keep students safe. and some people say there's no way they're giving up their dog as family members. but the state's new law has some landlords saying you better get rid of the dog or pack up and move out. thanks for joining us. i'm megan pringle along lynette charles and lauren cook. and we want to say congratulations to the charles
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crowson family. his new daughter was born yesterday. congratulations to them. >> he's beaming in that picture. and she's adorable. >> she's so tiny. i can't wait to see her in person. >> i know the family has appreciated your comments on facebook. and keep that gorgeous weather coming. weekend looks stellar. we'll see a few more clouds moving in. this morning, 64 in reisterstown an arnold 58 and 56 in ab deal. and -- aberdeen. we're dealing with a little bit of patchy fog this morning in some spots. take it easy as you head out and about. and we look at maryland's most powerful radar. we had a cellar week so far. i think -- stellar week so far. i'm keeping the chance for a stray shower. but we'll have the clouds move in the area as we go through today. and that will be courtesy of a
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cold front that will sly through the area. but in the meantime, we're dry. you don't need the rain gear this morning but possibly in the afternoon. so here's the hour-by-hour forecast. this morning, patchy fog. and 10:00, partly cloudy skies and you can see the clouds beginning to increase and we'll see more of the same by lunchtime and the temperature coming in around 78 and my high temperature for today will be around 83 and that is above average. that cold front will come in and knock the temperatures back done. and now to get a check of the abc2 news timesaver traffic. a perfect weekend weather. there's a lot going on. and we have the caroline festival and the charm city music festival. and on the roads, it's calm on 95 and white marsh and route 43 there's nothing to get in the way as you head into the city. take a live look north of 695. no problems to report here. all together, easy ride traveling from the maryland pennsylvania state line to the
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beltway. you're looking at a 22 minute ride. 695 in great shape in parkville into towson. and traffic is starting to pick up on the west side of the beltway but no significant delays. just 12 minutes to travel from the outer loop traveling from 795 to 695. kiss your kids good-bye and send them off to school hoping they'll be safe in the classroom. but in baltimore county that comes hard to come by. but the leaders have a plan in place. will it work? sherrie johnson is live this morning. how ishis plan different? >> reporter: basically, they plan to build on that security plan. they're encouraging students and staff to be aware of your surroundings. if you see something, say something. and they're implementing a new tip line and they want to hire a new security director.
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administrators will meet with students and staff in a mandatory meeting, talking about the building an. and the superintendent said that he wants to beef up safety and security in the school building. this comes after two gun incidents at baltimore county schools since the first day of class. in one incident, a student was shot in the cafeteria at perry hall high school. on tuesday, and eighth grade student showed up at this school threatening his teacher and some students. the meeting today will help the teachers and the students under their role in the plan. and the district will share an updated reporting system for staff and students, including that anonymous tip line. and the direct plans to hire a new safety and security director. the superintendent will talk
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about school issues. he has about four more meetings to go. reporting live from towson, sherrie johnson, "abc 2 news." we hear about it way to loaning, shootings in the city. it makes people think is my community safe, especially when there's more than one victim? >> reporter: no suspects in this shooting. two men were shot in the arm near north parkway. the men are in their 20s and 40s, both victims shot in the arm. they were found in a car. but the shooting did not happen at that location. the police believe it happened somewhere else and they drove to the area. they were taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. and the police are looking for the gunman and the motive remains unclear. a baltimore family is
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looking for your help. they're looking for someone that killed someone dear to them. we're talking about freddie king. he dropped his son off at the barbershop and shortly after he was found close to that place with his car running and shot that is on kent street and cherry hill. he was taken to shock trauma where he later died. >> he was a good dude, a good man, a good father, good brother, good friend. >> investigators right now say that they have little to go on. so if you saw anything, if you know anything, you're asked to call the baltimore city police. today there is a hearing for a suspected white house shooter. his name is oscar hernandez from idaho. the police say that he opened fire with a rifle towards the white house saying that he hoped to shoot president obama. the president and his family were not home at the time but he is scheduled to be in court
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today. libyan officials have arrested four people in connection with an attack that killed four americans on tuesday. they're angry over an anti- islam video produced by an american. other protests are scheduled today follow the weekly prayers. struck and kill by a baltimore subway. that happened to a man because he was walking on the track near 3:00 yesterday near the west coal spring lane overpass and the train hit him. he died at the scene. it's not clear why the man was on the tracks. we'll pass that information along to you. dc metro hoping to avoid another accident like this one. you may remember this happening in 2009 that killed nine people. metro has not had a plan in place with a realtime computer
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monitoring system to detect the problems till now. previously workers basically reviewed data two times a day that would indicate that there was a problem. however, the new system monitors trains in realtime. our pet are like our family members. that is why so many people are so up set when maker hair had that new law regarding pit- bulls. and this morning we learn why with an apartment complex says ditch the dogs or you got to go. they're getting there. there is on the mitch over -- optimism over ending chicago's teachers' strike. if guy showed up in your backyard, you'd probably run and not grab the camera. we'll show you what was going on here. we have a week that turned out a lot of sunshine. and i'll let you know if that weather will continue. the traffic is starting to
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pick up on 695 and old court road. i'll show what you 95 and 83 look like coming up on "good morning maryland."
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we have a developing story for you. a man living in armstone gardens in east baltimore faces a tough decision as a lot others you may have, get rid of your pit-bull or get rid of your home. >> reporter: the dispute stems from a ruling earlier this year by maryland's highest court, calling pit-bulls inherently dangerous and finding that land lores can be sued if their tenants' pit-bull bites someone. this is a letter sent to every resident of the armsteady garden apartments in east
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baltimore. if you have a pit-bull or cross bred pit-bull mix, you must get rid of the animal immediately. charles edwards is representing joe week who has lived here since 2008 and hones this dog. >> a pit-bull can be anything. >> reporter: he has no plans of getting rid of his dog. >> absolutely not. >> reporter: and his housing options are limited. >> a lot of these people are low income or no income families that are relying on armsteady homes for shelter. >> reporter: his attorney has filed a lawsuit in federal court asking for an injunction against the state and armsteady gardens arguing that his rights of due process is being taken
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from him. >> but they do this understanding that it's not in the best interest of each of the individuals that will be homeless. >> reporter: reporting for "good morning maryland," christian schaffer, "abc 2 news." >> ruling from the maryland court of appeals applies statewide. this is the first apartment complex that we'll hearing of plans to get rid of all pit- bulls. his attorney will decide this month if he will file and injunction. we'll keep you posted. time to check on our weather. lynette charles is here. what a glorious week. it has been fantastic. >> it has. you cannot complain about what we have been dealing with. it's been gorgeous out there. and we're a little chilly once again. we'll have more clouds moving n temperature-wise, still around the same area for a high temperature. we've been in the upper 70s to
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the low 80s. that is what i'm forecasting for today. the only difference with today is that year going to have the clouds begin to move into the area so instead of seeing all of that glorious sunshine, we'll see mostly cloudy skies at some point today. the temperatures coming in at 61 and edgemere and 64 in and we see the 50s in bel air. this is what we'll be dealing with as we go through the rest of today. the next storm system is on the move. you can see it back towards the midwest. and it will slide off towards the east. and we have the chance for showers to work they're way in here. all of this is courtesy of a cold front that will slide in here as we go through this evening and also by tomorrow. it will be out of here. and the backside of that front will be breezy and it will not be that cold behind the front. but we'll deal with temperatures that are dropping off into the mid-70s.
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tropical storm nadine, winds sustained at 70 miles an hour and moving to the northwest at 13 miles an hour. it's staying away from the u.s. this is what we're looking like on future trend. there's the front. looks how it breaks up as it goes through the mountain and up and over the mountains. drier times ahead and much cooler. i'm going with 84 degrees. and saturday and sunday it will be nice out. with plenty of sunshine in the forecast. but next week, the rain comes back into the pick. and now a check with the abc2 news timesaver traffic. if you're traveling around the region, it will be foggy out there. so reduce your speeds and be careful. traffic is just starting to pick up in baltimore county on the harrisburg expressway. no significant delays traveling from the maryland/pennsylvania state line down to 695. here's what 95 likes like in downtown baltimore. everything is moving along.
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no delays at 395. and everything will remain up to speed s looking at other drive time, no problems on 695 traveling the outer loop from the 95 to 83, that will take about you 11 minutes. and a 13 minute from the outer loop from 695 to 95. over to you. people got an unexpected visitor caught on camera. the hot temperatures in southern california may have been too much for this little guy. this is a bear. he wandered into this neighborhood and took a dip in someone's swimming pool. and a short time later, he decided to head back up into the hills. there's been no further sightings. we have no bears in the studios this morning. just one gorgeous pooch and one gorgeous gal.
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who is this? >> this is a little lost dog. he is now up for adoption. he has not been complained by his owners. and we want to find him a home. he's very mild mannered. >> this is a great dog. >> he is. he's very friendly and he does like people. but he's somber sometimes. >> one of the big stories that has begun going on in our newsroom, charles crowson, they just welcomed their first while and they have two or three dogs. and you gave me great advice when you have a dog and a new baby in the house. >> i was wonder what worked well for you? >> just preparing and don't forget about the dog. it's hard not to because you're so consumed with the baby. but the dog is family too. >> that's true. and that is good advice. a lot of times you're so consumed, especially when twins, you can forget about the dog. and if you associate good things with the baby, the dog
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will be more at ease. so you don't want to banish the dog when the baby is in the room. but if you can have him sit with you and give him treats when the baby is around and babies drop things from the highchair that makes them popular. >> so good things happening when the baby is around and that will make life a little easier for the dog. he'll be confused and will not know what is going on. >> and one other thing that you suggested is taking something from the hospital and introducing to the dog so it's a familiar smell. >> yes. extent is very powerful for -- scent is very powerful for them. let the dog do some sniffing to understand what is going on. that will help a lot. >> don't forget about zuda. he came in as a lot of dog. he's at the maryland spca. they have a lot of dogs and
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cats. we're at 33 falls road in the hampden neighborhood. >> thanks for coming in and bringing him in. look at him. he's ready to sleep. >> this is a laid back dog. stay with us. this guy apparently really wanted the new iphone. a man smashes his car into an apple store and takes what he can. wean show you the video and tell you where the police were able to find him. when it's time, it's time. one baby did not want to give the mom any warning. so what happened when she had to pull off the road and go into labor at a gas station? we'll have the details ahead.
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thanks for joining us. two texas women are accused of leaving their children home alone while they went to a mcdonald's to eat. houston police said that the three little girls ages 2, 4 and 8 were left alone inside an apartment with no electricity and actually rotting food in the refrigerator. >> i feel for the children and i would like to pray for them
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and i pray that they're placed in a home where they can be helped and cared for. >> no word on how long the girls had been left alone inside that hot, dark apartment. both women are being held in police custody without bond. they're charged with child endangerment. a store heist caught on tape. we'll show this to you. a riverside, california police department just released this. a man is seen crashing his suv through the apple store and he grabs iphones, ipads and taking off. they trap the driver into the car and he did escape. but the suspect, 22 years old, caught by the police is behind bars. something else caught on camera. your photos that you sent in lauren cook. and you give them a caption. what do you have today?
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>> john sent in this photo. this is matt who has a frog on his head. that is adorable. we posted the picture on our facebook page and it has gotten a lot of comments so far this person writes totally adorable. and gary says, he hopped up on my head. can i keep him? that is too cute. adorable. and i need some catchingses for pictures next week so e-mail them to keep them coming. we love the photos and the comments. they're always great. a mother ended up delivering her baby on the floor of a gas station bathroom. she was supposed to have a c-
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section that was scheduled for the end of the month. so she decided to take the family on a vacation and started going into labor. it was a remote area. they found a gas station in oregon and called 911 because she could not get a signal. lucky for her, two surgical technicians just happened to be there. and they helped to deliver her baby and both mom and baby are doing fine this morning. stay with us. where is everybody going? a new study is out and it looks at where people are moving in and out of. washington d.c. is on the list. we've got the details straight ahead. when you first got internet at home
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